I had been given the opportunity to steal away for an incredible girlfriend getaway. Now, only a security checkpoint stood between me and some laughter, renewal and mama time. What could possibly go wrong? What indeed…..
Lice Lessons
Monday morning, I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. And by preparing, I mean throwing boxes of cereal onto the table and searching for clean silverware. I found two spoons. Oh well, one child will love the challenge of using a fork. At that moment, my three youngest kiddos trudged into the room. They wearily […]
Forgetting Your Pants and Other Consequences of an Over-scheduled Life
I was exhausted. The kind of tired where I had to consciously check that I had pants on before leaving the house. I thought I had been handling the insane pace of fall soccer, school, work, writing, and injured kids rather well. And then I wasn’t. I realized the physical impact of my mental state […]